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I help people live in the moment, find joy, and love the life they are living.



After ending a 29-year marriage, I found myself not only dealing with the guilt, pain, and stress of leaving a partner but also estranged from 3 of my 4 adult children and many of my grandchildren.


Battling anxiety, depression, and thoughts of self-harm, through counselingprayer, and mindfulness, I came to realize



Like any person, I feel times of frustration, hurt, abandonment, and disappointment, but these moments are short-lived compared to my entire life's journey.


I learned through my experiences that happiness has very little to do with other people. Life satisfaction comes from inside of us and it is directly linked to how we see and feel about ourselves.


I want to help you smile as you navigate the pain and confusion the world can bring your way.


I can help you live well, love deeply, and laugh often. 

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HI, I'm Terry Atkins

Certified Coach - Mindfulness/Relationships/Loss Management


"Choosing to find happiness may not be popular, but it is necessary." 


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Create Happiness Today Podcast

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The Create Happiness Today Podcast is part of the CHT wellness platform for those who have lost loved ones to death, disease,  divorce,  and estrangement. Denise is a Certified Happiness Life Coach and Terry is a Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Coach. They are lifelong friends, (now husband and wife), who host the Create Happiness Today Podcast together. 

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