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Be Thankful for Your Struggles

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Have there ever been times in your life when you found yourself saying, “Life isn’t fair”? Has something ever come your way that put you on your heels and made you bury your face in your hands in frustration? We all have moments like this; times when life just doesn’t seem to be fair.

Have you ever considered that maybe life isn’t meant to be either fair or unfair? What if the challenges and disappointments we face are nothing more than opportunities to help us grow strong and become more resilient?

One universal truth is that life will always throw things your way that must be confronted and overcome. People will disappoint you. Jobs will end. Loved ones will pass on, and you will have unexpected situations rise in front of you that have to be dealt with. During these moments, how you choose to handle these struggles is what matters most.

The good news is you always have a choice. You can choose to see your circumstances as obstacles or opportunities. You can either be crushed under the weight of them or climb over them as you rise above. This statement is not meant to minimize your personal struggle, but to encourage you to look at what you have already conquered.

Think back to another time when you faced a seemingly impossible situation. Did you make it through the struggle? You are still here, so you must have. No matter how “well” you handled the problem, you overcame it and are still alive to face the current situation. You are much stronger than you realize.

Choose to handle life's struggles without fear and negativity.

Decide to be a warrior and not a victim. Try to figure out how to work through the situation with courage and positivity and keep moving forward. When you do these things, you will be surprised to find out just how strong you are. You will realize that you can achieve far more than you could ever imagine. It is then that you discover you are a survivor because of your perseverance.

When a butterfly leaves the pupa stage, it must fight for hours to break free from the cocoon. The struggle is, at times, so intense that the butterfly may seem near death, but it is critical at this point that no one comes to help it. The only way the butterfly will be strong enough to fly is if it strengthens its wings while breaking free.

The struggles and obstacles on your journey are not holding you back. They are simply redirecting your route to open new doors. If you allow, they will point you in a new direction to a better, more powerful, and confident self.

This may sound insane, but do your best to be thankful for your struggles. Without them, you wouldn't have stumbled across your strength!


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